How to Apply

In order to apply to the graduate program in history you must also be accepted as a graduate student by the university. The FSU Office of Graduate Studies has all of this information online, including university admissions and re-admissions deadlines. If you are interested in submitting a graduate application, then go to the FSU Admissions Office online graduate student application to begin this process.

In addition to the University application, you must include:

  1. a statement of purpose (500-1000 words) describing your long-term goals, as well as your desired major area of historical study at FSU (specify both time and region). List up to three faculty members with whom you would like to work. Please visit our Faculty page for a list of our faculty. In addition, indicate whether you would like to be considered for a departmental assistantship/ fellowship;
  2. a writing sample of at least 1200 words in length, preferably one demonstrating your facility with primary documents;
  3. a Curriculum Vitae or Resumé to include your honors (scholarships, fellowships, academic honors), publications (if appropriate), professional experience (museum volunteer, secondary school teacher, etc.), foreign language(s) taken (indicate the language, level, year, grade and institution).

Three letters of recommendation, preferably from professors who are familiar with your academic work, must be submitted online as part of your University Online Application.

The deadline for Fall admission is December 1. There are no admissions for Spring and Summer. Contact Madeline Robertson at 850-644-2610 for additional information or refer to the Graduate Handbook.

The online system requires you to submit your application as the first step in the process. Once your application has been submitted you will be able to view your status page, which will indicate the remaining documents you have to upload and where to upload them. Missing documents will delay the processing of your application.

To be considered for a University Fellowship or a Departmental Assistantship, your COMPLETED application packet must be received by December 1st.

Navigating the Process

Professor Michael Creswell from our department wrote an article for the AHA's Perspectives offering advice on how to navigate the admissions process. You can access it at: Navigating the Graduate Admissions Process.

Departmental Requirements:

All Master's and Doctoral applicants must provide the following:

International Applicants: