What is miscellaneous memorandum pinal county court

a. Motions in Writing: All motions and pleadings in civil, criminal, family, juvenile, or other cases filed with the clerk, shall be in writing and shall comply with the applicable Arizona rules of procedure for the case type.

b. Copies to Judge: At the time of the filing of the original with the clerk, a copy of each motion, petition, response, reply, or memorandum shall be presented to the judge of the division to which the case is assigned or to the Court Administrator if the case has not been assigned. The original of all motions and notices must reflect that a copy has been presented to the assigned judge.

c. Length of Motions and Memoranda: Unless otherwise permitted by the court, a motion and its supporting memorandum, and the response and its supporting memorandum, must comply with the page limit of the applicable Arizona rules of procedure for the case type.

d. Submission and Oral Argument: All motions shall be deemed submitted upon memoranda, unless the motion or response contains in the caption the words “Oral Argument Requested”. Subject to Rule 56(c)(1), Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure, the court may, in its discretion, order, allow, or deny oral argument on any motion consistent with the applicable Arizona rules of procedure for the case type. Oral argument for all motions shall be limited to 10 minutes for each side and shall not be exceeded without advance permission of the court in accordance with these rules.

e. Telephonic Argument and Conference: The court may, in its discretion, order or allow oral argument for any motion or other proceeding telephonically by conference call, provided that all conversations are audible to all participants. Any request to appear telephonically must be filed at least 10 business days before the hearing and shall include a statement regarding whether the other parties join in, object, or, take no position on said request. Upon request of any party, oral argument may be recorded by court reporter or other lawful method under conditions the judge deems practicable. Counsel shall schedule conference calls at a time convenient for all parties and the judge. The judge may direct which party shall pay the cost of the call.

f. Motions to Continue, Vacate or Extend Time: In any motion to continue or vacate a hearing, or motion to extend a deadline, the motion must indicate whether the opposing party objects. If the movant is unable to contact the opposing party or parties, the motion must demonstrate contact.

g. Stipulations and Notices of Settlement; Proposed Forms of Orders:

(1) All stipulations shall be accompanied by a proposed form of order. If the order is signed, no minute entry shall issue.

(2) All stipulations to dismiss or for the entry of judgment shall indicate whether stipulation disposes of the entire case.

(3) All notices of settlement shall indicate whether the settlement disposes of the entire case.

(4) All motions or stipulations accompanied by a proposed form of order shall also include copies and envelopes stamped and addressed to each party who has entered an appearance in the case. If the order is signed, no minute entry shall issue.

h. Filing, Copies, and Service: When any motion or pleading is submitted, the original shall be filed with the clerk, a duplicate shall be delivered to the assigned judge, and service shall be made on counsel or parties not represented by counsel as provided by the applicable Arizona rules of procedure.

i. Additional Duties of Counsel/Party--Case Assigned to Visiting Judge: When a matter is assigned to a visiting judge, in addition to the above, the party or counsel of record shall provide copies by mail or electronic means of all applicable pleadings, motions, affidavits and exhibits to the assigned visiting judge.

j. Post-Trial Motions: All post-trial motions shall specify in the caption the name of the judge who presided over trial, and shall, if possible, be heard by that judge.