
Although some gyms across the US are reopening, many Americans have no plans to renew their memberships in a post-pandemic world, having found safer and cheaper ways to work out from their homes.

Through such civic service she gave back and renewed her health.

Yet Stop Hate for Profit succeeded in generating renewed debate about the presence of hate speech on the platform and did motivate discussions with advertisers and, to some degree, the public — about 20% of survey respondents approved of the boycott.

The debate in Washington over continuing the support comes as the US recovery is likely to be battered by renewed business restrictions in states that failed to contain the coronavirus before reopening their economies.

When flies were allowed to start sleeping normally, it took about 15 days for their ROS levels to get close to baseline again — the same time it took for flies to be able to withstand renewed deprivation.

After Ferguson, we all must renew our efforts to eliminate the scourge of racism from American life.

Yet when the ceasefire ended, and Israel offered to renew, Hamas started the war again.

As is the norm, NBC has yet to renew or cancel the cult show Community at the end of the season.

When the six-film contract expired, neither party was inclined to renew.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reportedly has been unable to issue or renew passports.

He wishes to cultivate it still, and offers to renew the lease for any number of years, and pay the rent punctually.

“I shall renew the bombardment, and put every one of you to death in a few days,” threatened the Brahmin.

Well, friend L., I supposed thy Bank was about to fail, as thee could not renew a little paper for us this morning.

Not until forty-four years had elapsed did she renew her acquaintance with the family in the person of Peter Ilich.

The superstitious tyrant Maximin endeavoured to revive the dying paganism, and to renew the persecution.