Home loans

A message has been sent to your mobile phone to confirm that you wish to access your saved home loan application.

Please accept within 1 minute(s) using your mobile phone in order to retrieve your application.

(If the message is not visible on your mobile, please unlock your cellphone screen)

Awaiting mobile authentication
Mobile authentication

You exceeded the time limit or selected the Reject option on your mobile phone.

You can:

If you have any queries contact 0800 555 111.

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Mobile authentication

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Mobile authentication

Mobile authentication
Your login details are incorrect

Unfortunately your username and/or password is incorrect.
Please enter your correct login credentials before attempting
to access your home loan application.

Terms and conditions

Please be advised of the following:

Terms and conditions

Please note that the above mentioned results are only an indication. Nedbank is unable at this stage to provide you with a formal quotation relating to the approval of your loan as the applicable documentation have not been provided and a full assessment has not been done. This is in accordance with the requirements of the National Credit Act, 2005 (“The Act”).

The indication is subject to the following conditions, namely:

Hi . We see you are a Nedbank Client

Use your Nedbank ID for a quicker process

Use your Nedbank ID and we will prepopulate your information to make your Home Loan application experience quicker.

What's a Nedbank ID?

A Nedbank ID is a simple username and password combination.
You'll need it to log on to all new Nedbank online banking channels.


Please note, all information captured/updated is solely intended for the purpose of this Home Loan application.

Your home loan application has been saved!

This username and password has been sent to your cell phone number ending with the following 4 digits: *******4356

(if these are not the last 4 digits of your cell phone number, kindly review and amend on your application form and retry)

To access your application again, simply visit www.nedbank.co.za/homeloans
and log in.

NB: This password will replace any previous passwords that you may have received for this “username”.