Regulations Governing Academic Responsibility and Conduct 2024-25

Please note these Regulations were previously known as the Regulations Governing Academic Integrity. Any mention of Academic Integrity in other regulations and associated materials should be taken to refer to these Regulations.


These Regulations aim to encourage a "learning community" at the University in which our students and staff learn from one another while conducting themselves with courtesy, integrity, honesty, and mutual respect. The University recognises the importance of education to help students and staff understand and maintain their academic responsibilities.

Students may obtain free, independent, and confidential advice about the application of these Regulations from the Students' Union Advice Centre. Additional information and guidance can be found in the University’s Quality Handbook.

For students studying at an overseas institution, localised arrangements may need to be applied.

These Regulations outline the usual timescales. Please note that when 'working days' are referred to; this excludes weekends, bank holidays and University closure days.

These Regulations are made subject to the Charter and Ordinances of the University. These Regulations are divided into two sections:

Section A: Definition, scope, application and principles

1. What is Academic Responsibility and Conduct?

1.1 Academic responsibility (previously known as academic integrity) is integral to studying at University and a guiding principle of academic life. At its most basic, it describes taking responsibility for and acting with honesty in one's own academic work (which throughout these Regulations means work undertaken for formative and summative assessments, your research outputs, your academic practice, and your academic working relations with others). It therefore requires:

1.2 The University recognises that students may act, or assist others to act, in a manner inconsistent with the statements above. If such actions result from error, inexperience or lack of understanding and are limited in scope or their effect on the academic work concerned, they may be deemed poor academic practice rather than a breach of these Regulations. Under all other circumstances, such actions will constitute a breach of these Regulations.

1.3 The University specifically recognises each of the following as a breach of these Regulations. Examples of each breach can be found in guidance published by the Library . There may be other types of breach of these Regulations that are not specifically referred to here, and some breaches may fall into more than one category.

Specific breaches are:

2. Whose conduct may be investigated under these Regulations?

2.1 The conduct of any person who is, or was, at the time of the suspected breach of these Regulations, enrolled as a student at the University (including students in nominal registration and studying off campus for any reason) may be investigated. These Regulations apply to students on all programmes of study.

2.2 These Regulations may also apply (at the University's discretion) to students enrolled at another institution but who are visiting the University to carry out some of their studies under the direction of the University. The applicability of these Regulations will, however, be subject to the terms of the agreement entered into between the University and the other institution and these students may also be referred to their institution to initiate proceedings under the Regulations of that institution.

2.3 At any time, the University may take action against a former student. Breaches will normally be dealt with in accordance with the Regulations in force at the time the suspected breach was committed. Where the actions that constitute a suspected breach have taken place across a period of time in which the University’s Regulations Governing Academic Responsibility and Conduct (previously known as Regulations Governing Academic Integrity) have changed, the suspected breach will be addressed under the Regulations in force at the end of that period.

2.4 At any time, the University may take action against a former student in relation to any breach committed during their period of enrolment at the University.

3. Responsibilities

3.1 Except in cases for which a matter has been reserved for a decision by Senate, Senate hereby delegates responsibility for the application of these Regulations to the Deans and their senior staff.

3.2 The Dean (or nominee) of each Faculty will appoint a Faculty Academic Conduct Officer who will liaise with School Academic Conduct Officers, their Associate Dean (Education) and the Quality, Standards and Accreditation Team in advising on and developing Academic Conduct Process and Regulation.

3.3 The Head of each School (or nominee) will nominate one or more Academic Conduct Officer(s) for their School and ensure internal processes meet the procedural elements of these Regulations.

4. Disclosure of Information

4.1 The University will process all personal information in accordance with its Data Protection Policy .

4.2 The University will disclose all information related to a case:

4.3 Audio and/or visual recordings of Academic Conduct meetings and Academic Conduct hearings are normally not permitted. If, owing to exceptional circumstances, it is agreed in advance by the student, as well as the Academic Conduct Officer (for Academic Conduct Meetings) or the Chair of the Academic Conduct Panel, that a recording is permitted, it is on condition that the recording is confidential, must not be copied, shared with any third party, published or disseminated, and that it will be deleted when the notes of the Academic Conduct Meeting or Academic Conduct Panel have been agreed. The recording will be made by the Academic Conduct Officer or the Chair of the Academic Conduct Panel and a complete copy of the recording must be provided to the student as soon as practicable after the recording is made.

5. Outcomes

5.1 The outcome of an Academic Conduct investigation is decided on the basis of the evidence available and the balance of probabilities.

5.2 The Academic Conduct Officer or Academic Conduct Panel will decide whether there has been a breach. The Academic Conduct Officer or Academic Conduct Panel should refer to the Responsibility and Conduct Guidance for information about appropriate outcomes in various situations:

5.3 The academic penalties for breaches of responsibility and conduct are set out below. Illustrations of penalties appropriate to different types of breaches are located in the University’s Academic Responsibility and Conduct Guidance and may be periodically updated by the University.

5.4 The University may: